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Friday, January 18, 2008

best acne scar treatment - War of the P Acnes

by: Naweko San-Joyz
While “War of the Worlds” sets a new sales record for Paramount, this Hollywood blockbuster sends a healing message as old as time itself- bacteria are lifesavers.

Even though most microorganisms are invisible to the human eye, life, as we know it would be utterly impossible without ubiquitous bacteria. We can all enjoy the blessings of photosynthesis, digestion and the formation of natural gases thanks to the innate power of bacteria to break down substances.

Ironically, much of the anti-acne industry is built around destroying the widely misunderstood yet biologically necessary bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes, or p acne bacteria.

All life forms strategize to survive and procreate. Weeds, worms, birds, fungi and bacteria all work to sustain their own lives on this planet. In fact, we humans survive because of the biological games constantly unfolding in our mist.

P acne bacteria are no different. They want and need to survive. Skin bacteria perform an important function. Bacteria use the secretions of our sweat and sebaceous glands (sebum is the oil that makes our skin look shiny) as nutrients. P acnes that are in balance with your body prevent colonization by more harmful bacteria.

P acne bacteria only encourage acne formations if the production of oil on the face is excessive. This surplus of oil of prompted by hormonal, nutritional, environmental and/or psychological changes in the body. So to prevent acne, you do not what to kill bacteria per se, but keep the amount of bacteria on your skin at an optimal balance.

You optimize your oil secretion by understanding and controlling your response to hormonal, nutritional, environmental and/or psychological changes.

If we upset the balance of bacteria in our bodies by taking antibiotics, our resident flora is upset and this enables harmful bacteria (such as Staphylococcus aureus and Acinetobacter baumannii) to colonize on our skin.
In short, using antibiotics on bacteria is a battle amongst intelligent parties involving the bacteria, the body and the human mind.

If we fail to appreciate the bacteria as bodily maintenance workers and continue dousing them with antibiotics or antibacterial soaps the bacteria just become more resistant to our antidotes. The bacteria are practiced at playing dead as a tactic for survival.

Even people who have used the strongest acne drug on the market, Accutane, have witnessed the cunning behavior of bacteria as zits reappear some months after using this course of acne treatment.

These people have discovered that bacteria do not die; they silently and strategically multiply. If you do not want your bacteria out of balance, do not provide them an environment conducive to acne.

It’s true that bacteria have managed to wipe out entire populations of people. Now, Hollywood comforts us with knowing that even aliens will fall prey to the ever-plotting or is it ever-knowing bacteria. I’ll just leave you with this thought: Is that anti-bacterial soap making p acnes smarter?

About the Author

Naweko San-Joyz is creator of the Acne Messages program, the only acne program to combine the latest scientific research and ancient wisdom to deliver an acne cure as unique as the acne sufferer. As there are millions of people with acne, there are a millions cures, find your unique cure with Acne Messages. ISBN: 0974912204 available at Amazon and, Home of Six Billion Natural Cures for Acne

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

How to Get Rid of Acne: A Step-by-Step Tutorial (Best Acne Scar Treatment)

by: Ryan Bauer
To get rid of acne, you have to understand what causes it in the first place. All in all, the formation of acne pimples a pretty complicated process that even scientists and dermatologists don't fully understand. What is known though, can be summed up in a fairly simple manner – Acne bacteria (p. acnes) get trapped inside a pore (hair follicle). The bacteria then feed upon the sebum (oil) trapped inside the pore, and multiply, causing an infection. The body spots this infection, and tries to protect itself from it, leading to inflammation, which makes for a huge, red, inflamed “spot”.

Using this basic information, we can come up with three to-the-point ways to combat acne.

1.) Kill the bacteria. If there's no bacteria to cause an infection, then there will be no acne.

2.) Reduce the oil on the surface of the skin. Since oil can clog pores, and gives “fuel” for the bacteria to thrive off of, less oil means less acne.

3.) Stop the pore from getting clogged in the first place. If you can keep dead skin cells from clogging up a pore, you'll reduce the number of spots.

With that said, we'll move on to the basic regimen.

Step 1 – Washing your Face

In this step, we will be trying to accomplish two goals – Removing excess oil from the surface of the skin, and killing the bacteria on the skin.

To do this, we will need a gentle, non-comedogenic, non-irritating antibacterial cleanser. These are few and far between, and I have only found one cleanser that can do the job: Noxzema “Triple Clean” Cleanser. This is a gentle cleanser that contains an antibacterial ingredient called “triclosan”.

First of all, splash your face once or twice with warm water. Then, squeeze about a dime sized amount of the cleanser into your hands. Work into a rich lather, and then apply to the face, being extra careful to be gentle. There is no need to scrub or rub it hard, as this will NOT help with acne, it will only make it worse. With that said, very gently, using no pressure at all, and only the tips of your fingers, rub it onto your skin for one minute straight. This is to make sure that all of the bacteria are killed off. Then rinse the cleanser from your face, and gently pat the skin dry with a clean towel.

Step 2 – Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl Peroxide is a very common over-the-counter acne treatment product. BP works by creating an oxygen rich environment within the skin, interrupting the metabolic process of the p. acnes bacteria, causing it to die off. It is also antiinflammatory, helping to reduce redness.

Avoid anything that is 10% BP, unless it won't be staying on your skin for long. Go for 5%, or better yet, 2.5%. The two products I recommend are Neutrogena's “on-the-spot” acne treatment cream, and Stridex's BP pads. Both contain 2.5% benzoyl peroxide.

No matter which product you choose, apply it gently to your skin after cleansing.

Step 3 – Salicylic Acid

Salicylic Acid is a beta hydroxy acid – meaning it is an exfoliant, and will help your skin to shed dead skin cells faster. This prevents the dead skin cells from forming a clog inside pores, trapping bacteria and leading to a pimple.

The salicylic acid product I recommend is Clean & Clear's “advantage” acne spot treatment. It is a sort of gel, that contains 2% salicylic acid. It goes on smooth, is invisible once it has dried, and stays on all day to provide protection against acne.

After the benzoyl peroxide has dried, gently apply the salicylic acid. I use about a quarter sized amount for my face, but if your skin isn't “used to it” yet, start with less.

And that's it! You're now protecting your skin from three major causes of acne, and hopefully your skin will begin to clear up!

This regimen is meant to be done twice per day – once in the morning, and again at night. Since both benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are irritating to the skin at first, don't jump right in. Your skin has to get used to the products before you can use them to their fullest extent. Be patient, and at first, only apply benzoyl peroxide, and only apply it once per day. Then work up to twice per day. Once your skin is used to that, add in the salicylic acid slowly. Eventually, you should be using quite a bit of both products. Definitely remember to wear a sunscreen if you'll be venturing out into the sun.

About the Author

Ryan Bauer is a former acne sufferer from Springfield, MO. He runs an acne information website called Acne Elimination.

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Treatment of Facial Acne (Best Acne Scar Treatment)

by: Ratliff J
If you suffer from shoulder and back acne, I have found a treatment that may help. Acuzine is a new non-prescription acne treatment.

Acne is caused from imbalances and impurities within the body, and that's why we treat the problem an internal cleansing treatment that goes right to the source and fights acne before it even begins. Acuzine provides antioxidents that can help eliminate the free radicals that are dangerous to skin and promote infections. It also fights inflammation, to reduce redness. And it works to heal damaged skin, naturally!

Learn more about Acuzine.

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Creating A Healthy Skin and Clearing Acne Naturally( Best Acne Scar Treatment)

by: Lena Sanchez

Creating A Healthy Skin and Clearing Acne Naturally © By Lena Sanchez

Acne affects more than 20 million teenagers, and hundreds of adults according to the AAD (American Academy of Dermatology). It is the most common problem in the United States. Many over the counter remedies exist and hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent yearly on them. I have come up with some inexpensive home remedies that work perfectly well and are healthier for the skin.

ACNE Symptoms: Persistent, recurrent pimples or skin blemishes on the skin. Acne is commonly found on the face but can also occur on the chest, shoulder, neck and upper portion of the back.

What is going on? Usually because of clogging of the pores in the sebaceous hair follicles, from oils and dead skin cells that build up bacteria in the blocked follicle, thus causes inflammation in that area.

Prevention: Keeping the area clean, eating less fatty foods and sugars will most times prevent acne.


Cleanse (not scrub) your face at least twice daily with a gentle natural anti-microbial herbal soap such as calendula (Calendula officinalis), lavender (Lavandula officinalis) for both treatment and prevention.

After cleaning, apply one drop of tea tree oil - a natural anti-microbial - to each blemish. *For an overnight treatment that will dry and heal, use a clay poultice, worn all night. Use either green clay or bentonite as a base. (Can be obtained at most health food stores). Combine 1 teaspoon of clay with enough water to make a paste the consistency of toothpaste. Mix in 3 drops of tea tree oil and apply to blemishes. Rinse off with warm water in the morning.

Facial Steam:

Give yourself an herbal facial steam treatment twice a week to gently and deeply clean pores. Into a heat-proof bowl pour 1 ½ quarts of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of dried lavender, which is both and anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. Cover your head and the bowl with a large bath towel, steam your face for 10 minutes, taking care not to burn yourself with the steam.

Natural Alpha Hydroxy:

From your own kitchen comes a great natural alpha hydroxy healer.
~ Wash well and put into a blender: 2 or 3 ripe unpeeled pitted apricots, ~ 2 large or 3 medium sized fresh Strawberries preferred, but frozen will work as well, ~ ¼ of a medium to large avocado (equivalent to a 3"X 2" piece,
~ 1 heaping tablespoon of honey. Put in blender and liquefy until frothy. Apply to face, leave on for about 20 to 30 minutes. Rinse with warm herbal soapy water. Then open a capsule of vitamin E and apply to face.

If leftovers, store in a glass jar for no more than 7 days. Use this facial twice weekly for soft blemish free skin. To remove small wrinkles leave on overnight.

Natural Blemish Healing Astringents:

Apply Lemon juice and let dry, apply as often as you wish. Acts as an astringent and a healer. Lemon has a drawing affect and will help heal blemishes as well as prevent pores from becoming clogged. For abscessed pores apply a piece of lemon peel directly on the spot, skin side out. Can be left on up to three hours.

My sister and I had this favorite thing to use as teenagers.

Take 1 raw egg and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, whip until frothy and apply to skin, let dry then wash off with herbal wash and cool water. Egg is a great drawing healer. Do this two or three times a week, will help keep your face free of blemishes and blackheads. I have never experienced the black heads and acne others have, could it be due to this habit as a child and teenager and the fact that I don't ingest dairy foods?

Natural Preventions;

*Lotus Root tea two or three times a day will improve blemishes.

Take 30 to 45 mg of zinc a day and Antioxidants helps the regeneration of skin tissue!

If you, like me, tend to have very dry skin you have probably spent lots of $$$ on lotions and potents that don't give lasting effects. Well I live in a very arid part of the world, which does nothing to help my dry skin but rather made it worse until I discovered something to nourish and restore it:

Bath in a luxurious 15-minute bubble bath two to four times a week with 1/4 cup Life Transfusion Liquid Ionic 84 Minerals. Such softness and smoothness you can not imagine as well as the relaxation it does for my mind… If you don't know where to obtain liquid minerals

Oriental medicine has a teaching…blemishes or pimples on the different body areas correspond to specific organs or parts of the body before they actually show up. Areas being:
A) Forehead indicates a problem with the intestinal tract. B) Cheeks indicate lung or breast problems. C) Nose indicates heart area. D) Around the mouth indicate reproductively area. E) Jaws indicate kidney area. F) Upper back indicates lung area. G) Shoulders indicate digestive area. H) Chest indicates both lung and heart area. Not to panic anyone but this only indicates that people with blemishes/pimples should improve their overall health as the road to ridding the body of blemishes!

A good start is by eliminating some of the dairy products saturated animal fats and sugars, ad daily minerals and vitamins. The medical profession for the most part, says diet has nothing to do with it. Do you want to believe that? There are far more studies and histories that prove otherwise!

Take charge of your own life and treatments for your own optimum health.

Go out and get healthy Now!

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