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Friday, November 30, 2007

Home Treatment for Acne - a non-chemical approach by: GSET Publishing

The acne products that are sold in stores are full of chemicals that you may not want to apply to your skin. Many people prefer more natural products, and often look for home treatments for acne. Home treatment for acne, in many cases, has proven to be as effective, if not more effective, than the products that you purchase in the store.

Home treatment for acne begins with proper skin care. Make sure that you wash your face, with a pure soap such as Ivory, at least twice each day. If you live in an area that has high air pollution, you may want to wash more often. You should also wash your face after activities that cause you to sweat. Wash your face with warm water, and do a final rinse with a splash of cold water to close the pores.

It is also important that you drink plenty of water to keep your body and your skin hydrated. The proper amount of water intake helps to promote healthy skin, and will keep your skin looking younger for a longer period of time, helping it to retain its elasticity. You also need to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

While no food has been scientifically proven to cause acne, any food that you have an allergy to will cause an acne breakout. You can have food allergies without realizing it - the only sign of the allergy may, in fact, be the acne breakout. For this reason, you should pay close attention to the foods that you eat, and keep records of what you have eaten when your skin breaks out. You might also want to visit an allergist to find out what you are allergic to. Most people are allergic to at least one food, even if they don’t realize it.

Home treatment for acne also includes exercise. Most people don’t realize the overall effect that exercise has on our minds and bodies. Exercise relieves stress, and stress can cause acne breakouts. Exercise builds our immune systems and makes us less susceptible to infections - acne is a skin infection. Exercise causes us to sweat, which rids our bodies of toxins. Toxins can cause acne as well. Make it a habit to exercise at least three times each week for at least thirty minutes.

Home treatment for acne continues with natural products to prevent or clear up acne. For instance, Evening Primrose oil can be used both internally and externally to clear up acne. For internal treatment, take between 3000 and 6000 milligrams per day. For external treatment, apply the oil directly to the acne. Leave it on overnight, and then wash it away in the morning. An herbal tea, made from the petals of the Evening Primrose plant will help prevent acne, if you drink it regularly. Crush the petals, or the leaves from the plant, and mix one teaspoon of the herb for every one cup of boiling water. Avoid using a metal pot or cup, as the metal can destroy the medicinal properties of the herb.

Other herbs that are useful for the prevention or cure of acne include lavender, rosemary, patchouli, eucalyptus, sandalwood, bergamot, tea tree, and clove. Lavender, bergamot, clove, and eucalyptus are all anti-bacterial herbs. Rosemary can be used as an astringent, and sandalwood is used as an antiseptic and astringent. Patchouli is very powerful, as it helps to regenerate skin cells, and has antiseptic, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial properties. Tea Tree is known for relieving skin irritations.

You can make soap out of any of these herbs by mixing one ounce of bees wax, 1 ½ tablespoons of water, and a ½ cup of sweet almond oil or sunflower oil. Simply use a double boiler, and heat the wax and oil over boiling water until it is melted. Heat the water separately, and then add it to the mixture. Stir the mixture as it cools, then add 20 - 30 drops of essential oil of the herbs that you choose, or use a teaspoon of ground herbs.

When purchasing herbs or herbal oils for home treatment for acne, make sure that you look for products that have been organically grown. You don’t want to use herbs or oils from plants that were chemically treated with pesticides or other dangerous chemicals, as this actually defeats the purpose of home treatment for acne.

About the Author strives to provide you with the latest information with regard to acne, the best acne treatments, the "old wives' tales" and info about home treatment for acne ( Don't blame the blemishes, we love to help! See for yourself at: (

Acne Scars – Cause, Prevention And Treatment by: Kirsten Hawkins

Acne affects as much as 80% of teenagers and others in their early twenties, while most get out with only a few minor acne scars, some even without any at all; there is also a notable percentage that suffers from acne scars.

There are two types of skin problems caused by acne that can be recognized as acne scars, one is the red pigmentation that appears after acne has healed. These contrary to popular belief, are not scars, rather, these are post-inflammatory lesions which occurs as the acne heals, and these can be present for up to 6-12 months. If however the pigmentation that you see lasts longer than the said period, you may be facing acne scars.

Acne scars come from connective tissue that the body uses to repair damage done to a certain area. Together with antibodies and white blood cells, they work together to heal the wound. After the healing process, you are left with a scar.

Acne scars can develop as long as acne is present, so one good form of prevention is actually preventing acne. However, Acne scars can also be prevented even with the presence of acne. This is done by facilitating the healing of the acne, the faster it heals, the shallower the acne scar will be, making it easier to treat, or may need no treatment at all.

There are two dermatologically tested ways to facilitate the healing of acne, one is the use of Tretinoin, it’s a form of vitamin A, which speeds up the skin’s healing and renovation process shortening the inflammation period, thus preventing Acne scars.

The other treatment used by most dermatologists for Acne scar prevention is the use of Aplpha-Hydroxy Acids of AHA’s and Beta-Hydroxy Acids or BHA’s. These help the skins remodeling process, with the right concentration and proper application; these can also prevent acne scars.

Without the complicated chemicals and difficult dermatological treatments, you can also help prevent acne scars by treating your skin righteously. Avoid sun exposure, this can cause even more skin damage and may hamper the healing process of your skin. Wear sunscreen that has SPF 15 or higher. Picking at scabs never helped either. Never pick on acne as it heals; it interferes with the healing process and might worsen the resulting acne scar.

Of course, not even the most rigorous person can prevent acne scar, with the stress of everyday life, facial and other skin problems are really hard to avoid, there are however treatments available for acne scars, here are some of them.

Dermal Fillers
Collagen or other fillers are injected into the acne scar to raise is just a bit, so that it will be the same level as your skin, these treatments aren’t permanent though. They mostly last 3-6 months and you’ll need additional injections after that.

Punch Excision
This method is effective for some types of scars. It includes the surgical tool that matches the size of the scar; it can be compared to a cookie dough cutter. This tool cuts the scar out and the remaining wound is then sewed back together. The resulting scar will be unnoticeable, but if it is, it’ll be easier for laser resurfacing to treat it. Other types of this treatment include the use of skin grafts.

Laser Resurfacing
Laser resurfacing is a very popular and fast treatment for acne scars. Laser resurfacing basically works by burning a measure upper layer of the skin, and then letting it heal, leaving a newer looking skin. However, care must be taken after the procedure; the correct post operative procedure determines the success of the operation.

About the Author: Kirsten Hawkins is a freelance writer specializing in skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. Visit for more information on acne and acne treatments.

Clear your Acne and have Perfect Skin - Naturally! by: Ryan Bauer

Most people who suffer from acne go out and spend good money on common over-the-counter acne treatment products. The truth is, most of these products are full of chemicals that can actually slow down the healing of acne, and irritate your skin, causing farther breakouts.
When an acne product has 20 ingredients listed on it, it can be hard to know if one of those ingredients is actually stopping you from having success. It can be even harder when you can't pronounce the ingredient, much less know what it is and how it is going to affect your skin.
Most mainstream acne treatments are not only much more expensive than common household items, but they also don't always work as well either. With that in mind, I will list some basic household items that can work wonders on clearing up your skin.

Baking soda – A very cheap cooking ingredient that most people have in their homes already, baking soda can be used as a great scrub. The purpose of a scrub is to exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin that can eventually clog pores and lead to acne spots.
To start off, you'll want to mix a small amount of baking soda with some water for form a paste. Baking soda is very effective as a scrub, so you want to be sure to be extra careful when applying it to your face. Gently massage the paste into your skin for ten to fifteen seconds. Then rinse the baking soda off, and pat your face dry with a clean towel.

Apple Cider Vinegar – Though most people that use vinegar to treat acne use the apple cider form of vinegar, you can also use plain old regular vinegar. Regardless of which type you use, vinegar can be very helpful with it comes to clearing up acne. It can kill off acne causing bacteria, balance your skin's pH, and absorb extra oil on your skin.
Starting with clean, dry skin, apply diluted vinegar (eight parts water to one part vinegar) directly to your skin with a cotton ball, and leave it on. If you want, you can also use a stronger vinegar solution (say, 2 or 3 parts water to 1 part vinegar), and apply it directly to problem areas, rinsing it off after ten minutes.
Lemon or lime juice can also be substituted for vinegar. Both of these juices are rich in citric acid, and can exfoliate your skin very well, halting the growth of acne spots, as well as fading previous, non-active acne quicker.

Egg Whites – Rich in protein, egg whites can be used as a mask to heal and rebuild your skin. It can also help to absorb excess oil from your skin.
To start off, crack an egg, removing the yolk so that just the egg whites are left behind. Beat these egg whites, and apply them directly to your face. Let it sit for fifteen minutes, and then rinse the egg off.
Oatmeal – As odd as it may seem, oatmeal can absorb unwanted oil and draw out impurities which reside deep in your skin. Cook some plain oatmeal like you would for consumption. Let it cool off, and rub it over your clean skin. Let it sit for a while, like you would a mask, and then rinse off. If you do this on a regular basis, you should begin to start noticing results soon.

Tea Tree Oil – TTO is a commonly used all-natural household antiseptic, which you can pick up at most drugstores or supermarkets. You can apply TTO directly to acne spots to kill bacteria, or, if you strongly dilute it with another oil (such as jojoba oil), over your entire face.
Tea tree gel can be easier to apply than the oil, and many are made for applying over large areas of skin, so they aren't quite as strong as straight TTO and do not need to be diluted.

Pantothenic Acid (Also known as Vit. B5) – Pantothenic acid can be taken in large quantities for the benefit of acne reduction. B5 works by helping your body to metabolize fats which would otherwise be later turned into sebum (oil) and excreted through the skin. Small amounts of B5 won't help though, and it has to be taken several times a day.
To help with acne, you will need to take 2.5 grams of pantothenic acid (the powder form is much easier to take), 4 times per day, for a total of 10 grams per day.

Aloe Vera – Aloe Vera has been used for many years in kitchens for topical application to burns. Another benefit of aloe is that it can prevent scaring, fade marks and help heal acne spots.
You now have an idea of some basic household items you can use on your skin, that work better than many OTC acne products, and are much cheaper to use. Since we have only really covered basic acne treatments, you can always take this to another level and take all natural, internal acne treatments.

This sums up our basic list of natural alternatives for chemical based acne treatment products. You can take this a step farther by attacking your acne from the inside out. Acne has been shown numerous times to be very closely affected by the digestive system, so keeping your entire digestive system working as smooth as possible can help reduce acne. I will help give you a basic idea of some all natural products you can take to help clear up acne.

Cucumber, lemon and carrot juice, brewer's yeast, and active charcoal pills are all capable of helping the digestive system function normally. Since the digestive system is closely related with the health of the skin, they should help reduce acne breakouts. Flax seed can also be wonderful for helping your skin heal faster.

About the Author

Ryan Bauer is a former acne sufferer who writes health articles and runs his acne treatment website, Acne Elimination.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Acne Treatments For Teenagers by: Marc Howlett

The Teenagers' Guide on Treating Acne

Acne is truly one of the big problems faced and most feared by teenagers anywhere around the globe. To some, it is a nightmare to have acne that truly gives very unfavorable effects. It surely lowers a person's self-esteem to express themselves freely and confidently to their families, friends, partners or to anyone. It certainly carries with it physical, as well as, emotional scars made by self-conciousness and embarrassment that made some don't even want to get out of their rooms!

Acne, however, just occurs normally and naturally with teenagers like you so you shouldn't feel so bad and depressed about it.According to recent statistics, 9 out of 10 teens and about 25% of the adult population are suffering from acne.But, acne is just a skin problem that can actually be treated. Doctors and health companies, nowadays, are looking forward to give us the best acne treatments for teenagers. Health tips are also worth to follow and made to practice. You should know that prevention is better than a cure! As the saying goes, the best cure for your acne problems is making the constant effort of preventing it to occur in the first place.

Self-prepared remedies

There are so many acne treatments for teenagers like you that can actually be found inside your home or just right in your garden. Fruits and other herbs are known to men as cure to almost any health problems, one of these is acne. You will surely find it fun to make your own proven acne treatment for teenagers. Making a paste or a mask is actually one of the common procedure teenagers do to treat their acne. You can actually make one with ground orange peel or fresh lemon juice. Another effective acne treatment for teenagers is actually a mixture of tea tree and sweet fennel essential oils added with witch hazel. This is believed to remove the excess oil and dirt on your face and kill the bacteria that cause the unwanted acne. Corn flour mixed with egg white is another great option that you can try to clear that acne in your face. Cucumber, a favorite acne treatment for teenagers, is tested to prevent the appearance of acne. It also refreshes your tired and unhealthy skin.

Right on the counter

When you think home-made preparations are not the acne treatments for teenagers like you, then ‘over-the-counter’ products are more recommended for you. Anytime at the nearest store in your neighborhood, you can buy these non-prescription products that are truly great acne treatments for teenagers. Boys especially prefer these products for it is really awkward for them to put on a facial mask. Benzoyl peroxide is actually the best known acne treatment for teenagers that is available in stores. It works as to dry the skin and eventually encourage it to peel off and form a new, healthier skin surface. It also has antibacterial effects, very good in killing that irritable acne-causing bacteria.

The doctors’s advice

Not all cases of acne problems can be treated by self-made applications or “over-the-counter” drugs. These actually only treats mild to moderate acne problems. Thus, a consultation with your doctor is advisable, especially when you have a severe case of acne problem. Your doctor will surely give you more potent acne treatments for teenagers which are actually divided between topical and oral solutions. Topical acne treatments given to teenagers are applied directly on the skin include antibiotic lotions and azelaic acid which is described as a benzoyl peroxide alternative. Meanwhile, oral antibiotics that you have to take in are just some of the recommended acne treatments for teenagers.

About The Author

Marc Howlett writes articles for and several other leading websites.

Adult Acne: A Bumpy Ride Towards Aging by: Charlene J. Nuble

Picture this; the snow-white clear skin that you have been proud of since your teen years has suddenly poofed into a wicked witch's warty face upon reaching the age of 30! "Acne, at my age?" This is often the distressed statement of pockmarked men and women in their 30's to 40's afflicted with adult acne.

This problem is surely not the work of a vengeful sorcerer. Acne vulgaris is what this most common skin disorder in the United States is scientifically called. Statistics has it that 15 million people in US alone are afflicted with acne. It is an embarrassing problem among teenagers. But this condition is not only limited to those awkward years. Adult acne is also prevalent, especially among people in the age group of 25 to 40.

Acne is a disease that resulted from the accumulation of sebum, a highbrow term for oil, underneath the skin. When this happens and the desquamation (human's way of molting) process goes wrong, the pores become clogged. Aggravation will continue and soon infection sets in. A bad bug called Propionibacterium acnes causes this infection. Overproduction of oil and mismanagement of the process of shedding cells equals bunged pores. Clogged pores plus P. acnes, the scoundrel, equals breakout. Those pesky zits are produced just as easy as that.

One of the pushing forces that may cause the occurrence of acne includes the elevation of levels of testosterone among adolescents. No, it's not Toblerone misspelled. No matter how many anecdotes you've heard about chocolate addiction causing zits to dominate your face, there's really no enough scientific basis to prove this. Testosterone is a chemical produced by the body that increase sebum production and change the keratin of the hair follicles. Testosterone is an androgen. Androgen is a hormone produced in high levels among males. This is the reason behind the worse cases of acne among teenage boys more than girls.

Adult acne is called acne rosacea. It is characterized by the following: unsightly thick, red skin on the nose and cheeks, pus-filled blisters, small red bumps, and small red blood vessels seen on the skin surface. It is more commonly linked to increased levels of stress. Isn't it interesting how the body reacts to this stimulus? NOT. When exhausted, like Gizmo getting wet, our skin could actually give birth to little monsters! Though they are not as troublesome as gremlins, they could be just as annoying as well. Seriously, pimples can be difficult to deal with, and can cause depression and anxiety in an adult the same way it can in a teen. Pressure from work and family responsibilities is thought to possibly affect the normal balance of our hormones. And hormones messed up means having to put up with bumpy complexion caused by adult acne.

Aside from stress-triggered hormonal imbalance, hot foods alcohol consumption, and smoking are also considered to exacerbate adult acne. This may help you reconsider your food preferences and habits.

Acne lesions are commonly found on the face, but they can also pop out anytime on the neck, chest, back, shoulders, scalp, and upper arms and legs. Adult acne is more persistent than teen acne. It is because adults are consistently exposed to the many factors that cause breakouts. Another hitch of adult acne is permanent scarring. It is an evidence of the inevitable reality that with the coming of age, the skin loses its erstwhile ability to repair itself. As if there's a need to be reminded of that when your face starts to wrinkle already. Now here's more to shriek in terror for, especially those in their mid-20's: adult acne causes PREMATURE AGING. Isn't that just nerve-wracking?

Enough of the endless yada's regarding how adult acne could further destroy us. As how master Yoda puts is, educated we must be with the crusade towards clearer AND younger skin. Or at least skin that is just our age we must maintain.

At the first sight of those wicked pimples together with gray hair and wrinkles (talk about aging signs overkill), just like with teenagers, impulse dictates squeezing. But you very well know that squeezing is a big no-no. How old are you? You surely don't need any more marks of time's passage.

In severe cases, consulting a dermatologist would best help in dealing with adult acne. The dermatologist may prescribe an antibiotic, vitamin A derivative like Isotretinoin or other acne drug available. More women may be afflicted with adult acne than men. Pregnancy is another story if you are prescribed anti-acnes, especially Isotretinoin.

Proper skin care may not guarantee a flawless complexion. But a good skin care regimen may aid in warding off bacteria that worsen adult acne. If you love scrubbing for its squeaky-clean feel, think twice. It can render more damage to your already-blemished skin.

Another hint especially for women: use NON-COMEDOGENIC products. Non-comedogenic basically means anything that does not clog skin pores or cause acne. Do your homework and look for as many non-comedogenic versions of the skin care products you use. It's worth it, you'll see.

If stress is linked with adult acne, then, disengaging yourself from stressful activities might work wonders, right? A day away from work or catching up on one of your hobbies won't hurt.

There's this bold Jean Kerr reacting on a classical quotation.

"I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas?"

It doesn't mean the depreciation of a pleasing personality. Such reaction only imparts a message of giving value to what boosts your self-esteem. If it's a clear complexion along with your aging gracefully, so be it. No adult acne should put a shame on your face and get in your way of becoming more confident.

About the Author: Charlene J. Nuble 2005. For up to date links and information about acne, please go to: or for updated links and information on all health related topics, go to:

Acne Treatment: 7 Things You Must Know! by: Robin Araoz

Let me ask you this...

Are you suffering from acne?

Do you know what is causing it and is there any effective acne treatment?

Studies show that an estimated 80 % percent of people experience acne at some point. No one knows exactly what the cause of acne is, but there are a few theories.

Let´s take a look at 7 of them:

1. Acne normally begins between the ages of eleven and thirteen.

This is true in both males and females due to changes in hormone levels. These hormones, called androgens, will enlarge the facial glands. The oil produced by the glands is known as sebum. The hair follicles shed dead cells too quickly and the cells and sebum form a blockage in the gland.

2. Pressure and rubbing from tight garments.

Adult with acne should avoid tight-collared shirts that might irritate the acne further. Adult athletes may notice an outbreak of acne from equipment such as backpacks or athletic helmets.

3. Acne can also be caused by genetics.

Studies have shown that a family history of acne can affect whether you have acne and the severity of it. So if your mother or father had acne as a teen, chances are that it will be a contributory factor to the cause of your acne.

4. Factors linked to women

Women have several factors that men don’t that can be linked to the cause of acne. Women go through several phases of life that cause their hormone levels to change. These changes can cause acne in adult women between two and seven days before their menstrual cycle.

5. Pregnancy and hormones

Pregnant women also experience a fluctuation in hormones.

Those who may have previously had little or no acne may see pimples during their pregnancy and for a time after the birth of the baby until the hormone levels return to normal.

6. Menopause and hormones

Menopause will cause changes in hormone levels for woman and can be a cause of acne. Women also tend to wear heavy makeup when experience an acne outbreak, which only worsens the problem by further clogging pores.


Especially in adults, stress can be another cause of acne. When you are stressed, the hormone cortisol is produced.

Cortisol will worsen any acne you already have. To prevent stress-related acne, try relaxation and meditation.

Some adults experience acne from picking at blemishes on their skin. You should never pick at or squeeze a pimple, blackhead or any other blemish on your face.

This can only cause more acne and possibly an infection. When cleaning your face, avoid harsh facial cleansers(they cause the creation of more sebum) and scrubbing your face too vigorously.

Acne treatments

The sad part is that most of the acne products are sold over the counter for treatment.

Most over-the-counter acne treatments are topical and come in the form of a cream, soap, lotion or gel.

Acne products normally contain benzoyl peroxide (good for killing the bacteria and possibly reducing oil production), sulfur (helps eliminate blackheads and whiteheads) and/or salicylic acid (cuts down the speed of cell lose).

More severe cases may require prescription acne medicine that is topical or oral.

Oral acne medication can help reduce both the growth of the bacteria and inflammation of glands.

Robin Araoz makes a short review about Chris Gibson´s natural acne treatment. Find out how thousands of people have cured their acne in 3 days. Please visit:

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What You Should Know About Acne by: Amber Lowery

There are many different types of acne and with that come many theories, myths, and treatments. The exact cause of acne remains a mystery. Why some pores are affected by acne and others aren’t, is not known. Each case of acne is as complex as the individual battling it and a treatment that works on one person’s acne may not work on yours.

Acne obviously has physical effects but it can also have psychological effects, especially in teens. Most teenagers already feel awkward and different, add acne to the equation and they are identifiably different. Most teenagers with acne tend to have lower self esteem, than their peers with clear skin, and are not involved in as many activities.

Adult acne is on the rise and can also be very difficult to deal with. Due to the changes that our skin goes through as we mature, scarring is often worse in adults with acne than in teens with acne. Adults with acne are also less likely than teens to seek treatment for their acne, leaving them to suffer alone.

Whether you are an adult with acne or a teenager with acne, your acne probably falls into one of a two main categories, inflammatory acne or non-inflammatory acne. If you have blackheads or whiteheads, or both, then you have non-inflammatory acne. Inflammatory acne can be a little harder to identify. Inflammatory acne is characterized by papules, pustules, and in more serious cases, nodules or cysts.

Once you have determined which category your acne falls into, you can explore the treatment options for your acne. Keep in mind that even if you have tried several different acne treatments to no avail, there is always something else to try for your acne. There are new acne treatments coming up left and right and the next new acne treatment might be the one that goes directly to work attacking your acne and leaving you with the clear skin you’ve longed for.
Amber Lowery is an online publisher and is responsible for maintaining a large network of health and beauty related sites. For more information on Acne, visit: - the Acne Resource Portal. Comparisions of Acne treatments can be found here:

Birth Control Pill for Acne by: Rodel Garcia

There are quite a few prescription medications used to combat acne, but one of the most frequent choices for women is the use of a birth control pill for acne. This approach can be used with teenagers as well as adult women, but if you're a guy, you are out of luck. Using the birth control pill for acne on a man is a recipe for disaster. The female hormones would wreak havoc on a man's system.

For women though, the birth control pill for acne can be a minor miracle. And if your acne is severe enough to require use of the most dangerous acne drug, birth control is an absolute necessity. You will not be able to take the risky drug without also using the birth control pill for acne.

Why does using the birth control pill for acne work?

Teen girls and women often experience outbreaks of acne just before their menstrual periods. This is especially true with teens because their hormones are often surging out of whack and haven't settled into a more even production yet. The birth control pill for acne works by evening out those hormonal surges. When a woman's hormones are regulated by using the birth control pill for acne, they often find the breakouts lessen in both frequency and severity.

Is taking birth control pills for acne right for you?

The hormones estrogen, progestin and testosterone can be wildly unstable in the first few years after a girl enters puberty. The fluctuating levels of these hormones can really irritate the acne nearly all teens are prone to suffer. For girls experiencing moderate or worse breakouts, and the embarrassment that comes with them, using birth control pills for acne can be a miracle. Not only do their systems calm down, the breakouts become milder. Adult women often appreciate the clearer skin that comes with the pill, even though they weren't using birth control pills for acne in the first place.

If you are suffering severe acne problems, your doctor may choose to put you on very effective medication called isotretinoin. This drug, sold under the name Accutane, is very powerful, highly effective and absolutely not to be used during pregnancy. This is where birth control pills for acne are most often prescribed.

Accutane can cause such damage to a fetus that if a doctor prescribes it for you, he is required by law to make sure you have two negative pregnancy tests no more than a week before you start taking the drug. You have to be using birth control, so most doctors prescribe birth control pills for acne as well, and you must have a negative pregnancy test before each month's refill of Accutane.

These regulations have been in place for some time, but because pregnancies while on isotretinoin are still happening, new federal regulations have been added. If you take the drug, you are required to sign into a national database so doctors, pharmacists and the government can track users of the drug and make sure all the anti-pregnancy precautions are being taken, including birth control pills for acne and a second form of birth control.

What are the side effects to taking birth control pills for acne?

If your doctor prescribes birth control pills for acne and you take the correct dosage, using the medication according to instructions, then the side effects are very minimal.

The standard but generally low risks of birth control pills for acne or other uses include weight gain, nausea, irregular or breakthrough (during the month) bleeding. In very rare cases, this medication can cause problems with blood pressure, blood clots and perhaps even heart attacks or strokes.

One important thing to know about taking birth control pills for acne is that if your doctor also prescribes antibiotics, and you're using the pill for pregnancy protection as well, you'll want to add a backup method of birth control. The birth control pill for acne will still help manage your skin, but can fail to protect you from pregnancy while you're also on antibiotics.
About the Author

Rodel Garcia was an acne sufferer one time in my life. WebAuthor of these websites and hoping in my own little way help the acne sufferers cure their acne..
Acne SCAR Products and Reviews
Acne Products and Reviews

Acne Skin Care Tips that Work by: Mike Spencer

How should people go about acne skin care? This article enumerates some basic guidelines to go by. For example, you should clean your skin gently, avoid frequent handling of the skin, avoid sun tanning, and lastly, women should choose their cosmetics carefully and men must shave carefully for good acne skin care.

People with acne may try to stop outbreaks and oil production by scrubbing their skin and using strong detergent soaps. However, scrubbing will not help acne skin care; in fact, it can make the problem worse. Most doctors recommend that people with acne gently wash their skin with a mild cleanser for acne skin care, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Patients should ask their doctor or another health professional for advice on the best type of cleanser to use for acne skin care. Acne skin care also means washing your skin after heavy exercise. Patients should wash their face from under the jaw to the hairline; rough scrubs or pads should not be used. It is important that patients thoroughly rinse their skin after washing it. Astringents are not recommended for acne skin care unless the skin is very oily, and then they should be used only on oily spots. Doctors also recommend that patients regularly shampoo their hair as part of acne skin care. Those with oily hair may want to shampoo it every day for proper acne skin care.

People who squeeze, pinch, or pick their blemishes risk developing scars. Acne lesions can form in areas where pressure is frequently applied to the skin. Frequent rubbing and touching of skin lesions should be avoided if you take your acne skin care seriously.

Men who shave and who have acne can try electric and safety razors to see which is more comfortable for acne skin care. Men who use a safety razor should use a sharp blade and soften their beard thoroughly with soap and water before applying shaving cream. Nicking blemishes can be avoided by shaving lightly and only when necessary.

A suntan or sunburn that reddens the skin can make blemishes less visible and make the skin feel drier for a little while. But the benefits are only temporary and cannot take the place of proper acne skin care. The sun can seriously damage skin, promote aging of skin, and cause skin cancer. Furthermore, many of the medications used to treat acne make a person more prone to sunburn.

People being treated for acne often need to change some of the cosmetics they use. Acne skin care demands that all cosmetics, such as foundation, blush, eye shadow, and moisturizers, should be oil free. Patients may find it difficult to apply foundation evenly during the first few weeks of treatment because skin may be red or scaly, particularly with the use of topical tretinoin or benzoyl peroxide.

Lip products that contain moisturizers may cause small, open and closed comedones to form. Hairstyling products that come in contact with the skin along the hairline can cause burning or stinging in people with acne. Acne skin care products that are labeled as noncomedogenic (do not promote the formation of blemishes) should be used for acne skin care; in some people, however, even these products may cause acne. Mike Spencer is committed to helping people promote and protect their health, and has been doing so for many years. Here Mike talks about some help tips and techniques to combat acne. Read more about Mike’s Acne Prevention Tips here Acne Prevention Tips Mike Spencer
Acne Skin Care Tips that Work

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Search for Acne Solutions by: GSET Publishing

Billions of dollars are spent worldwide each year in search of acne solutions. Both consumers and pharmaceutical companies alike are spending the money to find an acne solution that works. Unfortunately, for many, the search is never ending. In most cases of teenage acne, the person will outgrow the acne before they actually find a solution for curing it - but they will spend quite a bit of money looking for that cure.

What many people fail to realize is that in many cases, it takes more than medication to cure acne. It may also require some lifestyle changes, such as the foods you eat, the way you care for your skin, and what you expose your skin to. For instance, if a food allergy is causing your acne - and this is very possible - you can use medication to clear up the outbreak, but once you eat that food again, you will have another outbreak.

In addition to using acne solutions, you also have to keep your skin clean. You must wash your face at least twice a day to remove the dirt that clogs pores. If you live in an area that has a lot of air pollution, you may even need to wash your face more often. You must also keep your hair off your face. Hair contains oils that cause acne. You should keep your hands off your face as well, since your hands and fingers also contain oils that cause or aggravate acne.

Popping or squeezing acne pimples should also be avoided. Not only does this cause scarring, but it can also spread the bacterium that contributes to acne breakouts, making the current breakout worse, and even causing new breakouts in the near future.

Using makeup is another problem. Daily use of makeup is bad enough, but when makeup is used to cover up acne pimples, the pimples heal slower, because the pores become even more clogged. Try to avoid wearing makeup, but if you must wear it, choose makeup that is hypoallergenic, or for sensitive skin. Also, avoid products that contain perfumes.

When using acne solutions, make sure that you follow the directions. Overuse of the product can cause as many problems as under use of the product. Follow the directions to the letter, unless your doctor or dermatologist advises otherwise. The best acne solutions will contain both topical treatment, as well as oral treatment. Acne starts on the inside of the body, but it is prevented and healed on both the inside and outside of the body. Talk with your doctor or dermatologist to find the best acne solution for your condition. Make sure that you are aware of all of the potential side effects before deciding to use any type of treatment.

Furthermore, make sure that you are giving the acne solution you are trying time to work. That is the biggest reason for failure with acne solutions. Some treatments can take up to three months before they prove to be effective. Acne cannot be cured overnight, in most cases. Don’t mix acne treatments. Don’t use one product one day, then another the next day. Stick to one form of treatment, and give it time to work.

Keep in mind that those acne solutions that work for one person will probably not work for the next person. What worked for your mother, brother, or best friend may or may not work for you. We all have different skin types, and different chemical makeup’s - and we all respond differently to medication and acne treatments. Work to find what works for you and your acne.

It is possible to find acne solutions that work for you. You just can’t depend solely on the acne treatment to cure or prevent acne, without making other lifestyle changes, even though those lifestyle changes are very small. You must be consistent in order to be successful. The biggest change you may need to make might be in the foods that you eat. A good allergy specialist can determine what foods may be causing your acne breakouts, and eliminating those foods from your diet will go along way towards helping your acne solution work for you.

About the Author strives to provide you with the latest information with regard to acne, the best acne treatments, the "old wives' tales" and info about acne solutions ( Don't blame the blemishes, we love to help! See for yourself at:

Herbal Acne Pills - Natural Acne Remedies The Clear Acne - F by: Danna Schneider

Remember the angst ridden acne years of your youth? Or perhaps you are still a youth. By youth, I mean either adolescent or teenaged. So many people today suffer from teenage and adult acne. The effect acne has on your self esteem can be devastating, especially at a young age, when appearance seems so important, and people can be cruel. The nutraceutical acne pill is now changing that scenario for many teenagers, and is also helping many people suffering with acne into adulthood to permanently clear acne.

There are some excellent, and fairly new acne pills that actually clear acne through precise combinations of herbal compounds and pure, natural ingredients. These acne pills have been used as very successful, and often times permanent, remedies to clear acne on both adults and adolescents.

How do acne pills work? Acne pills actually work by correcting the hormonal and chemical imbalances in the body that lead to acne flareups, persistent acne, and the more severe form, cystic acne. People suffering from cystic acne can really benefit from a natural acne pill, since they are designed to treat acne at it's source, from the inside of the body, rather than topically. Cystic acne sufferers really tend to have hormonal issues, which acne pills address by "calming", soothing and balancing.

Some of the common ingredients in these complexion-clearing acne pills are actually known in herbal communities for their skin soothing and "calming" properties, and have commonly been used to treat various skin disorders in the past. Natural acne pills actually blend several of these ingredients together in precise combinations to effectively clear acne permanently, or with very little follow up treatment.

Let's look at some of the common skin clearing and therapeutic herbs and compounds that are found in an acne pill. First, vitamin E is a common ingredient. Vitamin E has been used as a skin soothing and repairing agent for decades. Vitamin E actually will help smooth rough skin when taken in the proper dosages, and actually helps facilitate the clearing of acne in combination with other ingredients.

A second common ingredient in the acne pill is aloe vera. Aloe vera actually has many of the same skin soothing properties and advantages as vitamin E. I'm sure you've used aloe vera at least a couple times to treat sunburn or irritated skin. Aloe vera seemed to be a staple in everyone's home growing up for it's skin repairing benefits.

Two more ingredients you may find in an acne pill are alpha lipoic acid and collagen, both of which are actually beneficial for both aging skin and skin suffering from disorders such as acne or acne rosacea. Alpha lipoic acid is gaining a lot of recognition in recent years, especially with the publication and advocation of popular cosmetic dermatologist Nicholas Perricone in his book The Perricone Prescription and other popular follow up books on how to stop and reverse the aging process of the skin.

Other skin cleansing, purifying and balancing ingredients botanicals found in the acne pill are chamomile, rosemary, rose essential oil, and horsetail, all traditionally used to clear, tone and purify the skin for the most blemish-free complexion possible, even back as far as the early 1800's.

The bottom line is, I highly recommend investing in either a natural acne system that combines topical treatment with an oral acne pill or just investing in a natural acne pill that is high in purity standards and has a good track record of customer satisfaction. These treatments have proven to be just as effective as many of the often long-term and sometimes harmful treatments dermatologists prescribe. Not only that, you can order them from the comfort of your own home, and don't need to be burdened by dermatologist visits, or repetitive costs. It is truly one of the best investments you can make in your skin!

About the Author: Danna Schneider is the webmaster and founder of, a natural cosmetic enhancement and cosmetic correction product review site that offers acne, rosacea and breast enhancement (among others) products reviews, testimonials, and honest information about the latest in cosmeceutical and nutraceutical technology.

What is acne - and how to prevent it by: Mike Spencer

Have you ever had acne? Chances are that you have had or are still having acne. Teens are primarily the ones cursed with at least with a mild form of acne. But what is acne? Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, occurs when oil and dead skin cells form a plug and clog your follicles or pores.

Eighty-five percent of teenagers have had at least a mild form of acne. During puberty increased hormone levels cause an increase in oil production. This increased oil can then combine with dead skin cells and cause acne. Acne does not discriminate though as some adults, especially women, have intermittent acne all their lives.

What is acne symptoms going to look like to most people? You will most likely notice an outbreak of whiteheads, blackheads or pimples. These can occur on your face, back, shoulders, or chest. Whiteheads and blackheads are clogged pores, while pimples have a bacteria build-up under the clogged pores. Large and deep pimples are called cystic lesions and can be quite painful and create scarring.

What is acne treatments going to consist of? Acne treatments depend upon the severity of the acne. The goal is to reduce or eliminate acne outbreaks and reduce any scarring that may occur with an acne outbreak. The first method of treatment to begin with is cleansing with a mild soap and warm water and using benzoyl peroxide. This often controls and prevents mild acne.

If this does not reduce or eliminate the acne outbreaks, you will need to consult a physician to try more aggressive treatments. The physician may prescribe antibiotics combined with topical benzoyl peroxide. This increases the effectiveness of your treatment. If there is still no improvement and the acne is severe, the physician may recommend Accutane as a last resort. Accutane has rare but serious side effects and is very expensive. A new treatment available is Light Wave Therapy. This treatment was recently approved by the FDA and is helpful in reducing and eliminating mild to moderate acne that has not been responsive to other treatments.

What is acne reducing things that you can do to help reduced your symptoms or outbreaks? Things you can do to help reduce your acne symptoms are cleansing your face twice daily using a mild soap and warm water. Use your clean, bare hands to wash your face rather than a washcloth. Vigorous rubbing of your skin will only make your acne worse. Follow your Doctor's directions fully. This will help to ensure that your acne is reduced or eliminated.

What is acne? Acne is a condition that can cause moderate to severe embarrassment and self-esteem problems, as well as depression. If your acne is not responding to treatment then seek out a treatment that works for you or your skin.

Mike Spencer is committed to helping people promote and protect their health. Here Mike talks about some useful tips and techniques to combat acne. Read more about Mike's Acne Prevention Tips here

Mike Spencer
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