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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Acne Control The Natural Way! by: Kirsten Hawkins

Want to get rid of those zits in your face but you are currently low on budget? How about looking for acne control to avoid the sudden appearance of acne in your skin? So how do we do this?

First, what is acne? Acne is a skin disorder caused by the hormones action on the oil glands of the skin which is called the sebaceous glands. The excretion of oils from this glands can lead to congested skin pores. This is when acne occurs. The face, neck, chest, back and shoulders is where the glands are most profuse, that is why most acne are found on this locations. People who are with this kind of disorder often tends to be depressed, and humiliated.

There are a lot of factors that can generate acne to transpire. First is our Genes. Genetics can't be changed but other factors like our daily routine and the way we take care of our skin can be improved to make acne control no problem at all. Don't feel so sad about your acne because there's lots of things you can do. This acne control tips will help you say bye-bye to those zits.

1. Include Fruits and Vegetables in your daily Diet. A healthy diet consists of at least four to five servings of fruits and vegetables. Acne control will be a lot easier if you start including this in your daily habit.

2. Rose water can be used as a facial cleanser. Dipped in a cotton, clean your face using this everyday for at least two to three times each day.

3. Don't wait for your pimples to form. If you see a bit of it in your face, do something. Acne control is best done early. Pat some ice on the affected area for this will make it less swollen.

4. Acne control is easier when accompanied with multivitamins. Start taking vitamins that contains zinc supplement. Zinc helps in making your skin stronger and acne resistant.

5. Cucumber can help in acne control. Blend it with some water to form a mask. Put it in your face and leave it for about half an hour before rinsing it off. This is a good and affordable acne control remedy that can also refresh your skin.

6. Use only mild soaps and avoid soaps that contains petroleum based products and animal based ingredient for this causes your skin to get dry and irritated.

7. Using alcohol free facial cleansers makes Acne control trouble-free. Alcohol tends to dry your skin more.

8. Makeup also prompt the occurrence of acne. Choose your makeup wisely. Most of the makeup available contains petroleum based ingredients that makes skin dry. An all natural makeup helps acne control become more effortless.

9. Lastly, Drinking loads of water is very important. It flushes out the dirt in our body, Making acne control more natural.

Now you have a list of some helpful tips in acne control. It is your choice if you are to do these methods. There are lots of ways in acne control, be it naturally or by technology. Skin products are always around for you to pick your choice. The thing is, these products are very costly. If you are the innovative type of person, better try this methods in acne control. It is all natural and wont do any harm in your body. No side effects of course! Plus, you can really save a bunch out of this. There's no harm in trying! Saying goodbye to those acne is just a step away!

About the Author: Kirsten Hawkins is a freelance writer specializing in skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. Visit for more information on acne and acne treatments.

Ways To Avoid Acne by: Tim Gorman

In many cases acne can be avoided. There are lots of ways to avoid acne. Ways to avoid acne include dietary changes, skin care and home treatments.

This article will have information that explores ways to avoid acne.

Ways to avoid acne #1: Use a cleansing diet to get rid of the impurities in your system.
Ways to avoid acne #2: Clean your skin everyday.

Ways to avoid acne #3: Use a benzoyl peroxide lotion to keep blemishes at bay.

Ways to avoid acne #4: Check your cosmetics, foods and other products to make sure you are not having a problem with allergies that can be mistaken for acne.

Ways to avoid acne #5: If you eat a high-fiber, low-fat diet you are less likely to have problems with acne.

Ways to avoid acne #6: Some vitamins will decrease your chances of acne. Check with your doctor to see what she suggests.

Ways to avoid acne #7: Drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Water is important for the health of your skin.

Ways to avoid acne #8: Some people feel that cutting down on sugar, flour and caffeine is one of the ways to avoid acne.

Ways to avoid acne #9: If you have small blackheads or pimples do not pop them. This can lead to even more skin problems.

Ways to avoid acne #10: Don’t use greasy lotions and cosmetics as they contain oils that can promote acne.

Ways to avoid acne #11: Try not to take any medications that contain iodides or bromides.

The above information should help you find ways to avoid acne.

About the Author

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more acne clearing solutions, remedies and acne skin care products that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Best Acne Treatments Available by: GSET Publishing

Acne, which affects the majority of teenagers, and a very large number of adults as well, can be treated using various different methods, with prices ranging from relatively inexpensive to incredibly expensive. However, the best acne treatments are those that treat acne from inside the body, as well as on the surface of the skin – since acne starts inside.

The name on the package really doesn’t matter as much as what is inside the package. Some ingredients have proven to be quite effective for treating acne, while others don’t seem to have any affect. Some ingredients are perfectly safe, while other’s have risks associated with them. What you use to treat your acne is up to you – but it is important that you make informed decisions, in order to find the best acne treatments for you.

Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most effective ingredients found in a large majority of acne medications, however, there is quite a bit of controversy surrounding this chemical. Benzoyl peroxide has been linked to skin cancer, and it is on the FDA’s ‘unsure’ list. This means that while it has been approved by the FDA for human use, the FDA cannot say that it is safe to use – but the FDA hasn’t determined that it is unsafe either.

Some of the most effective treatments for a large majority of people who suffer with acne are: ProActiv, Accutane, and Retin-A. This doesn’t mean that these medications work for everyone – it just means that it is effective for the majority of people who use these treatments.

ProActiv is a three step topical acne fighting system that does not require a prescription, although it does contain prescription grade Benzoyl peroxide. Accutane is an oral prescription medication. There are many side affects associated with the use of Accutane, such as chapped lips, dry skin, nosebleeds, eye irritation, joint and muscle pain, hair thinning, skin rash, intestinal problems, urinary problems, headaches, and vision problems. There are even some psychological side effects, such as depression. Accutane is not prescribed to women who are pregnant or nursing, due to serious birth defects. Retin-A has very few side effects, and is available in both prescription and over the counter forms. Retin-A is used to treat a variety of skin problems other than acne as well, including wrinkles, lines, scars, and discoloration.

If using one of these products is of interest to you, you should start with ProActiv. If ProActiv doesn’t work, try Retin-A next. Avoid using Accutane if you can, and if you do decide that you want to give Accutane a try, make sure that you weigh the potential side effects carefully.

While these treatments are costly, they have proven to be the most successful. Therefore, in most cases, they are well worth the expense. People spend billions of dollars purchasing inexpensive acne treatments that simply do not work. If you look at it in terms of how much money you would spend buying products that do not work, in relation to the amount you will spend to purchase an acne treatment that works for a large majority of the population, you will find that you are better off spending the money on the products that work in the long run, bypassing those that do not work.

Keep in mind, however, that even though these are the best acne treatments available, this doesn’t mean that other, less expensive treatments won’t work for you. What works for you will depend on many factors, including how severe your acne is. Discuss your options with your dermatologist.

No matter which acne treatment you use, you must keep your face clean, keep your hair and hands off your face, use the treatment as directed, and give the treatment time to work. Failure to do any of these things will keep your acne treatment from working – no matter how good it is. You should also remember that what works for some people may not work for others. The best acne treatments are not always the best for everyone. What worked for your neighbor may cause your acne to become worse. Work to find the best acne treatment for you – and make sure you give it time to work!

About the Author strives to provide you with the latest information with regard to acne, the (

Monday, December 3, 2007

Medication options for acne sufferers by: Marc Howlett

Oral Acne Medication Options

At the onslaught of puberty, many teens suffer from various radical changes - physical, physiological, emotional.. you name it! Of course, one of the most apparent transformations is that of the physical changes. Aside from the males developing more muscles and moustache and females developing their breasts and hips, there's this one change that commonly annoys an enormous portion of the adolescent population. Acne vulgaris!

Acne vulgaris is also known as acne or pimples in more common terms. Overproduction of oil that suddenly happens to teenagers and sensitivity to dirt are the precursor to this menacing skin disorder. But those two or their combination are not the only cause of breakouts. Many other factors could trigger acne. Genes, weather conditions and certain substances from food may set off the invasion or just the presence of acne.

Dermatologists and researchers have been trying to discover the best acne medication. Acne, no matter how miniscule a disorder it may seem, needs adequate attention. These tiny bumps on one's face could elicit major effects on a person. Not only vanity motivates experts to find or formulate the most excellent acne medication. Ridicule for having a pockmarked complexion is often one of the leading causes of low self-esteem among adolescents. What's worse is that this lack of confidence may be brought until one reaches his maturity.

The most recent forms of acne medication are the following:

Oral Antibiotic Acne Medication. This type of medication should always be mediated by consulting a physician. Various acne medication antibiotics that may be taken by mouth are supported by researches. Assorted antibiotics that act as acne medication are intended for moderate, severe to persistent types of acne. It is very important that a doctor is asked first on which antibiotics for acne medication is right for you.

Cortiscosteroids. Very severe acne may be prescribed with this acne medication antibiotic. This potent antibiotic is usually taken in a short span of time only. They have metabolic effects that make them inappropriate for long-term use.

Oral Tetracycline. This antibiotic is one of the most popular oral acne medications. Moderate to severe acne may be treated with an initial dose of 500 to 1000 mg per day in a decreasing dosage as skin condition improvement is noted. This antibiotic is not for the pregnant women since it can cause skeletal defects to fetus. Children with age of under 8 years are also not advised to be given this medication.

Oral Minocycline and Doxycycline. These acne medications in the form of antibiotics are only derived from tetracycline. Research evidences tell that these acne medications are more effective than tetracycline. Doxycycline is reported to induce sunlight sensitivity. Both are advised not to be taken by pregnant women.

Oral Erythromycin. This antibiotic that serve as an acne medication may be taken as an alternative to tetracycline since it is safer for pregnant women and young children.

Isotretinoin. This acne medication antibiotic is said to revolutionize acne treatment due to its potent effect in dealing with severe and treatment-resistant acne. Reports has it that isotretinoin is very effective in treating all forms of acne. But it should be noted that many side affects are also attributed to isotretinoin. This includes severe birth defects to a fetus, dryness of the skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, pregnant women, breastfeeding women or those who are planning to become pregnant must not take isotretinoin as a form of acne medication.

About the Author

Stephen Brown offers advice to acne
sufferers from the young to old at his

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Your Ultimate Guide For Acne Home Remedy by: Kirsten Hawkins

Acne is a skin problem widely known and experienced by almost all of our people especially teenagers and young adults. When not given enough attention and care, acne can actually give you serious problems. Nowadays, doctors and advertisements offer us different products that might help solve our worries about acne. However, it is still better if you can actually cure it before seeing or consulting your doctor. There are actually acne home remedies that you can find and use inside your home or in your garden. All you have to do is to know how you can use that acne home remedy to finally say goodbye to your acne worries.

It's not just for your teeth!

There is still no scientific basis nor findings yet that discusses how the toothpaste can actually lessen, if not cure, the spread of acne. In fact, it is one of the most widely used acne home remedy by people! It might be a result of trial and discovery that made the toothpaste serve not only to clean the teeth but also as an unusual acne home remedy! To use it, just apply it directly to your zits before sleeping. This is believed to help control the swelling overnight. Just make sure that it is not the gel but the paste.

The salty-sour way to get rid of Acne

It is actually previously proven that salt can be used as an acne home remedy. Just prepare a salt solution (salt added to warm water) and wash your face with it twice everyday. This will remove the excess oil in your face, the main cause of pimples. You actually have an option to add vinegar to it. Apply it directly on the affected area and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Fruity Procedures

Fruits are definitely not just for food! They are not only good for inner nutrition but can also be used as cure for outer health problems. You can actually use some of them to be your acne home remedy! One thing you can do is to place strawberry leaves just directly on the affected part. Another is by applying fresh lemon juice mixed with rose water in your face, leaving it there for 15 minutes. A continuous application of this for 15 days is believed to give you amazing results! On the other hand, ground orange peel added with water to make a paste and applied to the acne can also make your face free of acne again. Lime combined with rose water is also a recommended acne home remedy! Just apply it on your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes then rinse with warm water. Juice made of Papaya apllied on the affected area is another great option. In addition, a paste made of ripe tomatoes is also an effective solution! That’s so many great acne home remedies to choose from!

The power of the plant species against acne

Like the fruits mentioned above, there are herbs and other plants that also proved to serve as a good acne home remedy. You can try methi (fenugreek) leaves made to a paste and applied to stay in your face for 10-15 minutes. Two cloves of crushed garlic applied twice a day is another choice, just bear with the strong smell of this acne home remedy! A combination of witch hazel, tea tree and sweet fennel essential oils put into water can also give satisfactory results. Just always stir or shake it before applying to the swellings twice or thrice a day. Use cotton wool everytime you put it on.Aloe vera is also proven to be great as an acne home remedy! Just make a juice out of it and apply it twice a day for the fast healing of your lesions. Cucumber will never be out of the list for beauty regimen. Apply a paste of it as a mask and leave it for 30 minutes. A paste of ground radish, as well as ground sesame seeds are also very good options when curing your acne.

Take it in!

Paste or mask applied to the face is not only the way of curing acne.

About the Author: Kirsten Hawkins is a freelance writer specializing in skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. Visit for more information on acne and acne treatments.
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