Tuesday, January 1, 2008

best acne scar treatment : normal thing pimple hit adult age

Best acne scar treatment

If your daughter scream over acne to his face, you should know it is normal thing part hit puberty age.

Acne is fed up on the skin cause black spot, white spot and sometimes wart redness. Most common pimple type is 'acne vulgaris' (vulgaris mean ordinary).

Fed up this leather usually grow on the face and sometimes chest, back and arm. Acne affect environment 90 percent of youths apart from among 20 to 30 per cent of individuals years old among 20 to 40 year. In fact, acne is most people main cause experience him meet skin expert.

When your daughter scream over acne to his face, calm down him because acne not life-threatening problem. It only slightly disappointing apart from acne say can bring to permanent scar.Apart from that, you also need to know, tendency to faced with the problem acne associated with genetic factor. Hence, more typical acne problem discovered among European people over Asian or African descent.

reason happen it acne

a) Gland produce oil

Acne happen because gland produce oil become too strenuous. This gland is customary produce only oil small batch (sebum) too is a mixture ask and skin cell. The when a person have acne, this gland will produce sebum having more to check bacteria.

b) Hormone influence

Hormone could also cause acne or increase the number present acne. Active hormone when puberty child also targeting oil production gland (gland sebaceous) to produce more sebum. Hormone who act with oil gland is hormone androgen. Man and woman own hormone this, but man own it having more.

For young girl, this hormone could also cause especially acne when menstrual cycle. This is because woman seldom experience problem acne until adult. Sometimes hormone become content part mastermind pill pregnancy could also cause acne

c) Snack

Eat snack and chocolate usually no relation with acne. However, in certain cases, have some food could cause acne. Oily skin did not even stimulate acne grow. It gland sign over active. Have pressure study found will be compounded state.

Apart from that, have also factor other cause acne about wipe or rub face with clothes that is not clean, certain cosmetic use and extreme at temperatures skin exposure.

How prevent and treat acne?
# Wash face not more than twice a day with cleaner face
# Please do not acne squeeze
# Avoid rub face loudly or use facial cleansers dry face
# Do not use soap anti bacteria - it not help prevent acne
# Use towel suitable and clean to dry face
# Wary with the use cosmetic product
# Do not let wet body with sweat and oily too long

Info for best acne scar treatment
